Monday, 30 November 2015

Dato Azlina Che Abdullah

Entrepreneur : Dato Azlina Bt Hj. Che Abdullah
Biography :
Operation Date: March 2, 2001
Executive Chairman Dato 'Almaz Bte Haji Che Abdullah
Corporate Consultant: Dato 'Haji Omar Stapa
Company Address: Wisma D'Navechee No. 38 & 39, Jln Wangsa Metro, Section 2, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur 53300
Type of business :
1) Marketing / distribution of beauty and health product based on natural ingredients.
2) To provide beauty and health treatments
3) Provide Training Center Beauty & Entrepreneurship
Awards: Winner Categories Professional / Services (Health & Beauty) 2007
                                     organized by the Council of Rural Industries & MECD
Latest achievements: December 24, 2010 - D'Navechee been approved by the franchisor licenses
                                       Ministry of health care products and beauty,
                                       cosmetics and dietary supplements offers and SPA

Failure is an option
Failure is an option is one of the characteristics possessed by Dato Almaz. This is because, at first he just watched television and had a dream to have his own products and can introduce their products in magazines. at that Dato Almaz just sit at home because they want to keep their children suffering from fibroids. and thinking he got the idea to create a product that D'N Hans him in 2001 on his first ad, he simply mempu to membayarRM900 month to advertise their products. The resulting product is not only able to tighten the skin, but also able to be supplements to maintain internal health.

To produce a product which he has made the release of the testimony in himself senndiri. he made his testimony when he was about to give birth to her third child, she was about to give birth by surgery, although at that time he was able to give birth normally. After giving birth to her had been eating their products, and its products have shown positive results.He has chosen the failure to create an effective product. as he was taking a risk in itself.

Open Risk Taker
Dato'Azlina a risk taker. he was always making something that leads to failure. This is because the nature of his self artifacts like to try in some way. like running keberkensanan his product, he tried out on himself by taking their products to look at the impact on women who have just given birth. he was taking a risk when giving birth to her third child by caesarean section rather than normal though at that time he had no problem giving birth normally, after his meal for the family of products, the results are very satisfying himself, and he was confident that the product will be well received outstanding.

visionary also a feature that Dato Almaz apply to him. This is because before he started his business, he was a sad and has experienced a very severe financial crisis, and never driven. and on his success did not come easily, and to be successful it must be through the twists and turns very tough to achieve success in desire. a problem that afflicts him has made him a visionary, and made him a not giving up
the bitterness of his past life had taught her to continue to strive for success and can fulfill the dream of wanting to belong.

Outcome Oriented
in the context of outcome oriented, Dato Almaz has managed to create a health and beauty products that can have a positive effect on the wearer. revenue from sales D'Navechee, he has generated and can reach £ 1 million a month as a result of the encouraging response from customers. and his company managed to secure passage of pendapatamn company RM 2 million per month.
At Dato ' Azlina to do business does not need too much thought to doing business, and do not be afraid and stingy to invest the money for a business started. This is because, in a way it's going to be so fruitful that good entrepreneurs and companies.

Features observant Dato'Azlina adap yourself. This is because, he was very quiet when tests revealed to him, because he believed the former Qada and Qadar and he always surrender to the Creator in every way to make decisions.

he also never ignore him even though he has become a successful women entrepreneurs and respected. He is always faithful to God and to her husband because her testifying as a servant of God and as a wife will get much reward as blessings of life


  1. ALLAH is the greatest...apa yg berlaku kepada perniagaan dan keluarga dato..adalah balasan diatas pembohongan DCL selama ini.

  2. ALLAH is the greatest...apa yg berlaku kepada perniagaan dan keluarga dato..adalah balasan diatas pembohongan DCL selama ini.

  3. Balasan ALLAH pada org yg ujub.

  4. Balasan ALLAH pada org yg ujub.
